JS Beauty Hair System Shampoo/Condtioner/ Mask 320ml

JS Beauty Hair System Shampoo/Condtioner/ Mask 320ml

Category: Hair Shampoo

10 cm (Length) x 10 cm (Width) x 10 cm (Height)
Deep Cleansing Shampoo, Scalp Cleansing Shampoo , Balancing Conditioner, Treatment Shampoo, Ion Perm Shampoo, Carrot Masque

•JS 2 【JS Treatment Shampoo 320ml丝蛋白修护洗发精】 Best treatment shampoo for coloured and permed hair, which is usually dry and brittle. Added moisturizers, proteins and conditioners help to restore the natural balance of the hair to produce soft and radiant hair. It minimizes colour fading and maintains your perm after each wash. 染发与烫发后专用洗发精, 含水解蛋白护发素及保湿因子,保持染发及烫发后发型自然持久, 发丝更富弹性且不易褪色。 #Js #treatmentshampoo #Damagedhair #curlhair #permhair #rebondinghair #dryhair #colouredhair

•JS 3 【JS PH Balancing Conditioner 320ml】 Designed to restore the natural pH of the hair after perming, colouring and shampooing. Smoothens hair and adds volume to it, bringing out the shine within seconds. #Conditioner

•JS 0 【Deep Cleansing Tonic Shampoo 320ml 深度清洁洗发精】 Ideal for oily hair, hair loss and damaged hair. Contains Panthenoic acid Hydrolysed Keratin to condition, strengthen and provide nutrition to the hair. Helps maintain a healthy scalp. 含深度清洁剂,可清除囤积之杂质,并具有特殊的调理性,可消除头皮干燥的现象。适合油性发质者,异常掉发者和头发受损者。 #oilyhair #hairloss #shampoo

•JS 1 【Scalp Cleansing Shampoo 320ml头发调理洗发精】 Effective for control of dandruff, itchy dry scalp and seborrhea with regular use. 含有独特配方的洗发精,能有效对抗头皮屑和头皮发痒,并可消除头皮干燥的现象,给以补充水分。 #Scalp #shampoo

•JS 11 [JS CARROT SOFT MASQUE] JS Exclusive Carrot Soft Masque is an intensive conditioner enriched with Keratin, proteins and carrot extracts which conditions the hair to give it fullness and brilliance, leaving hair tangle-free and lightly fragrant. Wash off with water after application without steaming. Ideal for COLORED, PERMED and DAMAGED hair type. DIRECTION FOR USE After shampooing, work an amount of carrot masque evenly throughout hair. Do not apply on scalp. Leave on 60 second for maximum uptake. Rinse with warm water.

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